Tag Archives: Surrender

Undone: What Is Your Cup

Going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.”

-Matthew 26:39 HCSB

What is your “cup”? For Michele, it was the news of cancer. Or suddenly being tossed back into raising small children. Or loving a teenage child who fought against her love.

For you, it may be being single when you so badly want to be married. It may be not being able to have children. It may be going through miscarriages. It may be a diagnosis. It may be an addiction. It may be being in a difficult marriage. It may be a relationship with your child.

I love how honest David is in the Psalms. “I am sick at heart. How long, O Lord, until you restore me? …I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears” (Psalm 6:3,6 NLT). I can definitely relate to those nights.

I can also relate to Michele’s desire to have life “neatly packaged” and “not too interrupting.” She said, “I would’ve done anything for boring and ordinary.” That has been (still is) my desire too often for my own life. In short, I’m a perfectionist who likes to keep my life and surroundings predictable and under control.

But God desires more for my life than that. Michele wrote, “But sometimes messy is the necessary beginning to the makings of extraordinary.”

At the end of Psalm 6, David concludes, “The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer.” No matter how difficult it was for him to carry his cup, he knew that God could be trusted.

Those who have faith, deep abiding faith in an Artist who has all things under his control, have no need to rehash the past or predict the future.

-Michele Cushatt, Undone*

So I ask again, what is your cup? Remember, if it’s not difficult, it would not be considered a “sacrifice.” The most difficult cup ever given led to the greatest sacrifice, which led to the most extraordinary redemption of mankind. Let’s receive this cup that God has specifically designed for us…and allow Him to lead us into the makings of extraordinary.


Undone: Running on Empty

How many of us can relate to the feeling of running on empty? For me, it comes in two ways. There’s the everyday, being a mom to four kids, exhausted, things are not up to my standard and I’m irritable…type of “I’m spent” feeling. Then, there’s the kind that comes with emotional trauma: my “undone”… Continue Reading

Surrender to Victory

The following is a journal entry from seven years ago, when Allan and I were engaged. To this day, our dating and engagement period has been the toughest season we have faced in our relationship by far. We were constantly faced with conflicts caused by fears, opposite personalities, and unrealistic expectations, as we learned to… Continue Reading

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