The Art of Being Still

Only God can do the impossible. Only God could have parted the Red Sea. Only God can touch and change people’s hearts with His love.

My friend introduced me to a great online daily devotional by Nicky Gumbel. In today’s devotional, he talked about how Moses had a part to play (‘Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea’, Exodus 14:16), but God had a much bigger and harder role to play (dividing the waters).

I, no doubt, have my part to play. God desires to use me for His purpose. I am called to be faithful in doing my part. Yet, there is always a part that only He can accomplish. He and His power alone.

I think this is such a necessary lesson for me to learn, especially as I prepare myself for the counseling field. Or even in just my everyday life, when I’m in midst of situations or relationships that I just want to “fix” and make it all better.

“Did I do enough?” “Did I say enough?” or sometimes, even “Did I pray enough?”

I need to remember – it is not my responsibility. Be faithful to do my part, yes, but beyond that is not my responsibility…and many times, it’s even beyond my possibility. But with God, all things are possible.

I feel like Job…standing in front of the God of the Universe. He’s asking me, “So…you think you can work this out better than I can, huh? Tell me…who made the stars and put them in its place?” Touché. Game over.

So once I’ve done my part, what do I do?

Wait…and keep praying. That can actually be harder than whatever it was that I was called to do. In one instance, when Moses was again called to raise his arms during a battle, his arms became tired, and Aaron had to help him (Exodus 17).

Waiting and being faithful in prayer can become so wearisome… If you’re like me, you’d much rather be doing something to get quicker results!

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
I especially love the way New American Standard Bible says it, “Cease striving and know that I am God.”

God, I believe You are the God of this universe. I believe all things are possible with You. I believe that one touch of Your love can change people’s hearts forever. I believe that one revelation from You can change people’s minds. I believe Your goodness and faithfulness will be revealed, to all who call on Your name. I trust all my cares – all my concerns for my loved ones – at Your feet. I believe I will see Your victory. I believe that Your name will be glorified. Until then, when I’ve done what I was called to do, I will learn to be still and find peace in the truth that You are GOD. (Thankfully) I am not.


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